
A podcast featuring a holistic look into the world of AI startups, hosted by Walter Thompson.

Photo: “How to stretch your venture dollars” by E. Simonson The Photo Group (CC by 2.0 Deed), cropped from original

Introducing the Fund-Build-Scale Podcast

Fund/Build/Scale — a new podcast series co-created by Walter Thompson and Mayfield — will offer listeners a holistic look into the world of AI startups.

Across 10 episodes in Season 1, host Walter Thompson (TechCrunch, San Francisco Magazine, Hoodline) will delve into the strategies, challenges and tactics shaping the future of artificial intelligence and entrepreneurship.

Guests will discuss fundraising, customer discovery, product development, policy/regulation, community building, going to market, and other essential topics. Listeners will get an insider’s perspective on what it takes to build an ethically responsible company in one of tech’s most competitive and rapidly evolving sectors.

About Our Host
Walter Thompson is an independent journalist based in San Francisco. Previously an editorial manager at TechCrunch, where he moderated discussion panels and managed the site’s contributor network, his writing has also appeared in The Guardian, Hoodline, San Francisco Magazine, and Alta California. He also hosts The Golden City, a podcast about San Francisco’s past, present and future.